
You have been admitted to our Master's in Medical Engineering for the summer semester 25 intake? Congratulations and welcome to the program! These are the next steps for you to take...

The application period for our master's program in Medical Engineering (winter semester 2025/26) is open as of now (deadline: May 31, 2025)! All students with a bachelor's degree in the technical/engineering field are eligible to apply. The earlier you apply, the earlier you will receive feedback fr...

Children who can no longer move their hands, for example, after suffering a stroke early in life: If the scientists at the Neuromuscular Physiology and Neural Interfacing Laboratory (N-squared Lab) at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) have their way, such limitations will soon be a thing of the past.

In 2023, FAU has once again proven itself as one of the most high-ranking universities in a variety of fields. With its selection of experts and focus on research and industry, it has achieved exceptional rankings in the Times Higher Education (THE), Shanghai Global Ranking of Academic Subjects and the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU). The areas of Medical Technology and Biomedical Engineering in particular continue to have excellent ratings at FAU, as do other FAU subjects with which the degree program Medical Engineering is collaborating.

On the 9th of April the Master Welcome Day for Medical Engineering took place with 75 online participants. If you missed it, you can find the presentation here.