
I have failed an exam attempt for a module. What should I do now? (Info valid from WS 24/25)

If you have failed an examination in the compulsory elective area (=all module groups in the master’s program with the exception of the compulsory modules, see footnotes in your module catalog), you have two options:

  1. You can repeat the same examination in one of the following semesters. Please note that there is no automatic compulsory registration, but you must actively register yourself for the repeat exam in your desired semester via the Campo portal during the official exam registration period.
  2. Alternatively, you can simply not register for the repeat examination and instead register for other examinations from the same module group.

In any case, you must fulfill the ECTS requirement for the module group by the end of your studies, e.g. you must have passed modules worth 10 ECTS or 20 ECTS from the respective module group.

In the elective area (Free Choice Uni/M8 and Flexible Budget Faculty of Engineering and Economics/M7), you can also either repeat your original examination or choose to register for a new examination permitted for this area.

In both cases, if you register for a new examination, the failed attempts of the old module will not be transferred. You therefore start each newly registered exam again with a first attempt.