
I have failed an exam attempt for a module. Can I transfer it to another module?

This depends on whether the respective module is mandatory or not. If you failed the exam for a module that is marked as mandatory in your module catalog (please see the footnotes there) you cannot transfer it.

If the module in question is not mandatory, you can transfer your registration for the repeat exam to another module of the same module group with the same ECTS value. Please note that your failed attempt(s) will be subtracted, meaning that if you switch to another module after a first failed attempt you will only have two attempts left to pass the exam of the new module. If you switch after your second failed attempt you will only have one attempt left to pass the exam of the new module. If you transfer your attempt(s) from one module with 5 ECTS to two modules of the same group with 2,5 ECTS each, the failed exam attempt(s) will be subtracted for both of them. If you want to make use of this option, please send an email to Ms Helga Jahreis of our Examinations Office (helga.jahreis[at] during the official exam registration period and ask her to transfer your registration to a new module of the same module group. If exam registration period is already over, you can only transfer your registration to exams of the same module group which you have already registered for.