Categories: Study-related basics
What does “VHB” in the module catalog mean and how do I use VHB courses?
VHB stands for “Virtuelle Hochschule Bayern” (Virtual University of Bavaria), an online study platform that FAU students can use without any costs. Please click in the top right corner of the VHB page for the English version. You have to register once (please select “Gesundheitstechnik” as your study program/”Studienfach”) and get access to several online courses, some of which are available in English. Exams are mostly taken online, sometimes on-site examinations are offered at different universities in Bavaria. The use of VHB courses is mainly recommended for your personal gain, i.e. to learn German or to improve your skills in certain areas (e.g. C++ programming).
Please note: VHB-exams which are taken online at your home computer (without video supervision by an examiner) cannot be accredited for our Medical Engineering program!
If you take an on-site exam for a VHB course, you might be able to use it for your module group M8/Free Choice Uni. Please consult with your study advisore beforehand in this case.