Categories: Study-related basics
When and how do I apply for an extension of my study period?
Six semesters are granted for the master’s program, provided that you do not fail any exam in your last (= 4th) attempt. If you cannot finish your studies in 6 semesters max., you have to apply for an extension of studies.
You can only apply for an extension for the next upcoming semester (extensions beyond the susequent semester are not possible). In order to apply for an extension for the next semester, you must submit the application form for an extension of studies to Mrs. Helga Jahreis of our Examinations Office, ideally mid-semester of the current semester (by the end of December for an extension for the summer semester and by the end of May for an extension for the winter semester). The decision is made by the examinations commission of the Faculty of Engineering and will be communicated to you as soon as possible.