Qualification Assessment (QFV)
The qualification assessment procedure is regulated in the General Examination Regulations for the Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs at the Faculty of Engineering of Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg in Section 29 and Appendix 1, as well as in the Degree Program and Examination Regulations for the Master’s Degree Program Medical Engineering (FPOMT; for the current German versions click here).A short description of the process:
Every application that is submitted on time and with all required documents is subject to a two-phase procedure for qualification assessment.
First Phase:
In the first phase, your application documents are evaluated:
Can the applicant prove the required level of English proficiency? This criterion is only applied for our English-taught specializations. Please find our accepted English certificates here.
Is the Bachelor’s degree similar enough to our own Bachelor’s degree or not equivalent? The same criteria for equivalency are applied to all applications, independently of the desired specialization chosen by the applicant. Applicants with a non-equivalent degree are rejected.
Did the applicant achieve a final grade (grade average) of 2,5 or better (according to the German system)? This assessment is made based on the conversion of your grade to the German grading system; the conversion will be made by our officers at FAU. Applicants with a discipline-related degree but a final grade worse than 2,5 (according to the German system) will be rejected.
Conversion to the German Grading System:
The conversion to the German grading system is dependent on your country and sometimes even university.
In order to get a rough non-binding estimation, you may use the following equation
German grade = 1 + 3(N_max-N_d)/(N_max-N_min)
where N_max and N_min are the best possible and the minimum passing grade in your grading system, respectively, and N_d is your personal Bachelor’s grade.
Note that in the German system, 1,0 is the best possible grade, higher numbers mean worse grades.
Second Phase:
In the second phase, applicants with a discipline-related degree and a final grade equal to or better than the German grade 2.5 are invited to an online admission test. The test takes 60 minutes and is carried out via our digital exam platform StudOn Exam. The following topics will be tested:
- competent knowledge of the basics of the subject (mathematics, physics, algorithms): 25%
- consolidated knowledge in engineering corresponding to the chosen specialization in the Master’s degree program: 75%
If you are invited to the online admission test, you will be informed about it at least 7 days in advance. Only applicants who are invited by our admission commission can participate in the test. Please find comprehensive instructions on the digital admission test here:
Please note that it is your responsibility to read the above instructions thoroughly and familiarize youself with our test platform StudOn. If you are unable to handle the digital test environment, you result will be “not passed”.
We do not provide you with mock exams, examples for potential questions or similar. The content of the test is based on our Bachelor’s curriculum. If you possess the solid engineering background we require from our students, you will be able to pass without additional studying. If you don’t pass, this means that our program is not suitable for you.
Test date
Upcoming: 14´th of February 2025 (Central European Time (CET))
Test results
The result of the digital admission test is either “passed” or “not passed”. The test result will not be displayed immediately after the test and we will not notify you about the test results. Rather, the candidates who have passed will receive the admission offer directly whereas the candidates who have failed will receive a rejection letter.
Test Instructions (very important)
Please don’t attempt the test twice!
Upon your completion and submission of the test, it will be saved on our server. Please note that you will not receive a confirmation of the test’s submission. We kindly request that you do not retake the test even if the lack of confirmation worries you.
Please contact us right away
If your test submission fails, please contact us immediately at zimt-qfv@fau.de. Please note that we cannot assist with any issues arising from an unstable internet connection.
If you have any further queries about your application, please feel free to contact us via email:
The admission can also be granted with conditions:
If your Bachelor’s certificate has not yet been issued at the time of your application, you must submit it to the Student Records Office within one year after enrollment. Please note that this one-year deadline cannot be extended under any circumstances. This is especially important for Non-EU students – please read the information here thoroughly!